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NN Creative Designs all began with a big red crayon...

Erin was a precocious child with an insatiable curiosity. More often than not, this curiosity would land her in trouble of some sort or another. It was because of this pull towards mis-adventures; Erin found herself standing in the corner, ‘thinking’ about what she did wrong.... A lot! After a few minutes of self reflection (these days this would be called meditation), Erin would be released from this prison and off she would run to seek out her next adventure, with the high probability of more trouble of course.

It would only be later that her mother would notice why Erin served her punishment so quietly and without the usual complaint.... There in the corner, in bright red crayon, was Erin’s very first mural, an entire city scape of characters, and it was there in that corner where an artist was born.

After a much longer stint in the corner, this time with scrub brush in hand instead of a big red crayon, Erin was as given the gift of her first sketch book and a brand new box of crayons. It was the big box, with 64 wonderful colours, with names like chartreuse, scarlet and aquamarine. She would use this gift for creating her own little world.

It was years later that Erin switched from Crayola to a new medium, Acrylic paint on canvas. Erin developed her talent through experimentation, challenging herself to create work that was realistic in both detail and depth. Seeking out images that displayed an unusual perspective built with bright bold hues.

What happened next was a whirlwind surprise after receiving a birthday gift consisting of a set of wineglasses and an array of enamel colours. With a little practice, Erin began thinking of these wineglasses as little canvas' and the infinite possibilities began coming to life. Many hours of painting later, there was a stock pile of wineglasses that not even the biggest of wine lovers could house, so it was time to take these creations

to the masses. NN Creative Designs was launched. NN being Erin’s family nickname and Creative Designs encompassing her love of many mediums in artistic expression.

Erin specializes in creating custom pieces for art lovers, and through the launch of this site is able to share her talents with an audience that can be inspired to have their own memories and creative ideas brought to fruition. 

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